
Latest news

  • Disciplinary Procedures with No Effect
    Disciplinary procedures still lack significant preventive effect, although their number is high compared to the European average, warned representatives of the EC in the Progress Report on BiH's Path to the EU. During the year 2022, the Disciplinary Prosecutor's Office (DPO) received 840 complaints (9.2% less compared to 2021), of which 76 were initiated ex officio against holders of judicial functions (7% more compared to 2021), and filed 41 disciplinary lawsuits, including six against chief prosecutors and presidents of courts.
  • Challenges in the Functioning of the Constitutional Court of BiH and the Appointment of Judges According to the European Commission Report
    he European Commission's progress report on BiH specifically highlighted the problem of challenging the jurisdiction of the Constitutional Court of BiH and obstructions in appointing missing judges. Among other things, the report states: "The Constitutional Court suspended the application, and then annulled several legal and political acts passed by the Republika Srpska. At the end of 2022, two judges of the Constitutional Court of BiH ended their mandate due to retirement. The entity assemblies have not yet initiated the process for their replacement, which makes the Court's decision-making process difficult.
  • Poziv za Dostavu Ponuda: Online Shorts Kampanja "Prepoznaj i Reagiraj"
    Udruženje „Vaša prava BiH“**, uz podršku Vlade SAD-a i USAID INSPIRE programa, poziva zainteresirane pravne subjekte za podnošenje ponuda za kreiranje i provedbu Online Shorts kampanje "Prepoznaj i Reagiraj". Cilj kampanje je podizanje svijesti i edukacija javnosti o trgovini ljudima, uz poseban fokus na identifikaciju i zaštitu žrtava. **Projekat Ciljevi:** - Pružanje pravne pomoći žrtvama trgovine ljudima - Jačanje institucionalnih kapaciteta - Podizanje svijesti o problematici trgovine ljudima
  • Request for Proposals for Audio-Visual Material Production Services
    PREDMET ovog poziva je postupak za dostavu ponuda za usluge izrada audio vizuelnih materijala za potrebe projekata “Izgradnja učinkovitog i održivog BH nacionalnog odgovora za borbu protiv trgovine ljudima” koga provodi Udruženje „Vaša prava BiH“ a podržava Vlada SAD-a kroz Program podrške zaštiti ljudskih prava USAID INSPIRE.
  • Scan for Justice: Spreading Awareness of Human Trafficking in BiH
    In the era of technology, which plays a crucial role in our lives, initiatives that use innovations to solve social challenges become essential. "Scan for Justice," a QR campaign focused on combating human trafficking, represents such a pioneering approach. The goal of this campaign is to raise awareness and provide support to individuals at risk, using digital connectivity to disseminate key information and resources.